Creative Exploration of the Machzor
There is much beauty and wonder in our High Holidays prayer book, but we only ever touch on a tiny fragment. That’s why, in the weeks leading up to the High Holidays, I’ll be facilitating a Creative Exploration of the Machzor.
We’ll be meeting August 16th, 23rd, 30th (11am) and September 12th (at 8pm with a focus on Selichot prayers) |
Lunch and Learn - Thursdays at 12:30pm
Meeting virtually Aug 20, Sept 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, 8 at 12:30
In this time of teshuvah/turning, atonement, we will explore the history and current experiences of racism and anti-blackness in our country and in ourselves. Through articles, film, and sharing personal experiences, we will work to become aware of our own biases and consider what steps we might take towards repair. Begins August 20. Click here for syllabus. |
Yoga for High Holidays - Wednesday, September 9th at 7:30pm
Selichot - Saturday, September 12
To join, click here At this formal introduction to the Days of Awe, we will connect with the melodies of the season, explore and express the prayers of our hearts, and consider our personal and communal paths in the coming year. Through creative exploration of the Machzor, song, and reflection, we formally enter into the High Holidays. Selichot means "forgiveness," and together we will begin the process. Preparation: Look at these texts - if you like, interact with them creatively: print them out and draw, paint, or create your own poetry in response for sharing at the service. Led by Deborah Globus, Cantor Marcey Wagner, and Rabbi Lina Zerbarini. |